Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Dual Enrollment provides an opportunity for students to obtain college credits while taking a course in the Forest Area School District. The student will have to meet and complete all requirements as outlined by the university and district. Your school counselor can help you to choose the Dual Enrollment program that will best meet your needs.
The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford partners with the Forest Area High School faculty to offer college courses in the high school during the normal school day. The purpose of college in the high school is to strengthen ties with local and surrounding schools by offering high school students an opportunity to earn college credit. The courses offered are subject to the availability of district instructors and University approval.
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clarion University of Pennsylvania will provide online dual enrollment courses to Forest Area School District students. Students will do coursework on their own time, and may have time during the school day to work as well (schedule permitting).
Northern Pennsylvania Regional College (NPRC)
NPRC does not operate on a single traditional campus-based model; nor is it an online college. The NPRC utilizes multiple locations across the region to deliver its programming. Courses are offered in a variety of ways, including in the classroom, via live interactive video technology, and through hands-on learning with equipment and lab facilities.
Venango Technology Center
Students may attend the Venango Technology Center in grades 10, 11 and 12. VTC provides 15 occupational programs that train students for the occupational requirements of the labor market. Hands-on technical skills prepare students for several different paths including entry level positions following high school graduation, continuing education programs such as associate degrees or 4 year college, and enlistment into the military.