The East Forest FCCLA chapter and Marienville community are hosting a benefit spaghetti dinner for Mary Meredith on December 1, 2024 at the MACA building. Dinner will be served from 4-7 PM with a cost of $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 5-10. They are serving spaghetti, tossed salad, rolls and desserts. Take out meals will be available as well. Chances will also be sold for 50/50 prizes and there will be several basket raffles and drawings. If there are any extra baked goods donated for the dinner, they will also be available for purchase. There will be a limited number of benefit tee shirts available for purchase. This fundraiser is a Star Event project for students Jonah Glass, Lauren Geraci and Nick Geraci who are shown here with some of the donated gift baskets. All proceeds raised will go to benefit Ms. Meredith and her fight against cancer.