The Forest Area School District secondary summer program came to a close on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023. In June, the participating students met at their respective schools for two-day learning sessions. During the sessions, the students learned about Benjamin Franklin as a writer and printer and about his printing shop in Philadelphia, made their own paper and printed on the paper. They learned about the cave formations under Pennsylvania, how they were formed, and grew their own stalagmites and stalactites. The students learned about the homogenization process of milk, discussed Louis Pasteur and the invention of pasteurization, learned about the Penn State Creamery, and made their own ice cream. The students also learned about the history of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, how this location became Pennsylvania’s capital, the political offices that comprise the Pennsylvania General Assembly and Executive Branches, the specific qualifications for each office, and the term length each position serves. The learning sessions were followed by a trip to Harrisburg where the participants had the opportunity to tour the Pennsylvania Capitol building, meet Senator Scott Hutchinson, and had a question and answer session with PA House Representative Kathy Rapp. The students enjoyed lunch at Dave and Buster’s, followed by a trip to Penn’s Caves where they had the opportunity to ride through the underground, water-filled caves and participate on the safari ride. After supper, the students stopped at the Penn State Creamery, where they had the opportunity to enjoy freshly made ice cream.