Volunteers from the Marienville Fire Department visited the elementary students at East Forest school last week. They talked to the students about fire safety. The firemenĀ also took time to show the students the equipment that firefighters use when they are on a call. Students got to see two of the trucks, some firemen in full gear, and some of the various tools and supplies used during a fire call. Pictured is Mr. Brad Roth’s 4th grade class along with Mr. Chris Pappas’ 3rd grade students. From left to right, they are: Karl McDonald, Brooke-Lynne Blair, Avery Colvin, Waylon Thomas, Dante Tobolski, Hailey Leffew, William Oliver, Eden Glass, Michael Walker, Evan Stevenson, Josh Russ, Zach Kay, Gage Walton, Nolan Gardner and Rylyn Parrett. Behind the students are Mr. Roth and Mr. Pappas in fire gear.